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added by Anonymous 1285 days ago 0    0

Yes I am interested to work as a team we are in the middle of the night when you are ready and I will get back to you in a while and have a great weekend and I'll see you tomorrow at sleep well last night people are so nice to hear from the other one is in the office tomorrow and will get back to you in a while and the other is a lot more than that but I'm not going to the gym tonight and get back to me as soon and I will get back to you in a while and it is the same thing as the one we have now is that I don't have any money from my mom and dad are you
added by Anonymous 1285 days ago 0    0

Girls program should be highly initiated an over the wall because girls are going was and crazy spoiling time on that game goals are the mothers of the wild girls come together to make a complete home of family so they need training they need care they need guidance
added by Anonymous 1287 days ago 0    0

Global Dialogue on issues affecting the girl child should be initiated

The human rights commission should initiate dialogue on issues affecting the girl child globally with all concerned entities in all economies of the world. The girl child is prone to many economic disasters hence affecting their entire life in many
areas of development. Covid 19 has even made it very worse with the girl child

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