This is a family-friendly place where everyone respects each other even (and especially) if you disagree.
Keep all content suitable for general audiences 14 years and older. Be sure to read the Unicorn Network Terms, and Privacy policies, and check the SafeZone Support area in WazzUb if you have more questions on what exactly is suitable or not.
There is ZERO tolerance for cheating, fraud, hate, violence, drugs, crimes, porn (including sexualization of minors), and disrespect. PRO or NO! Administration (including moderators) will remove any post that does not fit within our terms or rules at any time with or without notice. Violators will be banned temporarily and repeated violators will be permanently banned from PRO or NO!; for those who violate, the first ban is for 1 week, second ban is for 30 days, and the third ban is forever.
No links to any websites, no emojis, and no hashtags are allowed. This is a platform for pure communication.
Statements and comments must be original content, no copying from any other source especially other websites is allowed.
Remember the Unicorn Network 8 Core Values (Respect, Privacy, Security, Quality, Benefits, Influence, Family, Charity) and keep your posts in line with that.
Defamatory posts against anyone including SafeZone, Unicorn Network and associated teams, partners, members, and affiliates are not allowed. If you have a Support issue, please contact the SafeZone Support via the SUPPORT hexagon at Safe.Zone for assistance.
PRO or NO! Administration reserves the right to take action as they deem appropriate when rules are violated, other members' enjoyment of the PRO or NO! platform is affected, or otherwise as needed.
These rules will be updated as needed with or without notice and it is your responsibility to stay up to date and keep within the rules.
Last update: September 12, 2020
All rights reserved.
Karena banyaknya video-video yang kurang mendidik di Facebook sangat mempengaruhi mental dan perkembangan pola pikir anak-anak terlebih lagi yang negatif akan secara lebih cepat di ikuti oleh penyumak. Maka, lebih baik video yang mengandung unsur negatif lebih baik di hapus.
added by Anonymous 735 days ago
Sangat setuju karena facebook merupakan media sosial yang menjangkau seluruh lapisan usia,dan konten ysng mengandung unsur pornografi sebaiknya tidak di ijinkan untuk di posting kerena dapat merusak moral anak2 di bawah usia
added by Anonymous 887 days ago
Sangat meresahkan generasi bangsa tontonan pornografi yang tidak mendidik akibatnya tindak kejahatan kriminalitas merajalela dan pihak pemerintah memblok situs situs yang berbau pornografi ini sangat membantu menjaga moralitas anak bangsa
added by Anonymous 968 days ago
Sangat menyebalkan karena tidak mendidik..membuat akhlak jdi rusak.makanya alangkah lbih bagusnya di tiadakan
added by Anonymous 970 days ago
sangat disarankan video yang berbau porno harus di hapus karena merusak moral gerasi muda yang bisa menyebabkan kehancuran bangsa di mana jika para generasi muda yang selalu mengkonsumsi tayangan seronok pikiran jadi rusak
added by Anonymous 970 days ago
karena Facebook media sosial dapat dilihat dari semua umur lebih lebih anak di bawah umur bisa melihatnya yang menyebabkan merusak moral itulah yang dikhawatirkan pemerintah jika ada yang posting pasti di blokir hingga peringatan tiga kali
added by Anonymous 973 days ago