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Investment is better than saving because when you invest you earn passive income while saving not, you build wealth in investment while saving you don't get that ,even you become more rich in investment while you're sleeping @@@@@@@@@@&@@&
added by Anonymous 1280 days ago 0    0

When you even asked you questions to get more money out of the investments but when you save you limit your money from producing money that's why I tell people investing is better than the saving investors don't keep their cup store in Bank and they save Excel that can multiply time and the game I need westmont is like a seed planted in the ground germinates and produces more seeds savoring is like a seed kept in the store does not produce abbasids
added by Anonymous 1288 days ago 0    0

True, investing is better than saving. They both have different end-results. Investing in mutual trust funds, shares, government securities, Bitcoin, BTC coins and YEM all present brighter future for the investor. Usually, if investment thousands of dollars, the ROI are usually in millions or billions in a couple of years. But savings are usually plans for short and pressing incidences.
added by 1000114031 1289 days ago 2    0

Investment is far much better than saving, investment creates profit even moment, while saving helps the bank to generate there profit
added by 1000982011 1289 days ago 2    0

Investment is better than saving.

Investing money has the potential for profits that increase your net worth and help you build wealth over time than savings.
Money kept in a safety vault though safe does not generate adequate returns to beat inflation. Money invested in products like stocks, mutual funds generate more and more money in few time.

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