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It is better to meditate on the word of God and meditate on other things because the Bible says the word of God is life what's up do wonderful good there will be no life because Jesus said a watch created every sing if you say the words it's grits send a wonderful goods is it good to give me dignity or on other things when you actually meet tiki on the world of goods good reveals himself in you and you get to know more about the goods and you learn more things about the Good Samaritan most people meet each other words by the word of good that's why nowadays crimes and criminals are increasingly a night find people still meditating on the word of God damn entertaining on films pornography which increases more and more evil sings in the country
added by Anonymous 1286 days ago 1    0

When you meditate when you want to go do you understand it more than redeemed and the Bible says faith comes by hearing and understanding the word of God is she just a real you don't eat meat yet you cannot understand so when you meditate you give Jan studio in a man to understand more and more
added by Anonymous 1287 days ago 2    0

Meditation on the word of God is the highest form of meditation.

The more you meditate on the word of God the more thing's of God work for you. The Bible says Joshua 1;8 let this book of the law not depart from thee meditate on it day and night so that thy ways can be successful and live a good life.

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