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Yes it is true,
Because in the begining God created aman in his image and later He breathed in the nostrils the spirit of life the man came into excistance.
added by Anonymous 1153 days ago 0    0

Man is spirit according the Bible yes because the Bible says in Genesis 21 I created man in my own image which means good spirit which is in his image and amid a boogie in diesel according to the boob mine is a spirit because when he dies Debussy Xenia is an ending life life after death the spirit ghost in the place where Jesus egg he's going to prepare for us a place in heaven and it would be automatically goes to the soil and the rotes from there and it is the spirit which God created goose back to him as the Bible says fist judgment money is a spirit because when he Bass sometimes they do come back as ghosts or spirits which is the ancestors this PC come back Winn-Dixie has passed even 10 years which proves that a man is a spirit
added by Anonymous 1281 days ago 2    0

The Bible says when God created man from bast he had to breathe into man to get the Spirit of life and life is Spirit 100% agree with Michigan State question man is a spirit that's why when he dies the spirit goes back to the Creator and the flesh is Barrett's The Bible series she who is born of flesh sal die but he who is born of spirit shall not die so man is a spirit
added by Anonymous 1281 days ago 1    0

Man is a spirit the Bible says yes or No?

Man is a spirit because he was created in the Image of God. This can be proved in GENESIS 1:26-27 . the only recreated human spirit is bone again and able to respond to the word of his GRACE which is the word of God ACTS 20:32

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