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Yes,it is better to keep on trying, because the more you try,the more chances to reach your dream.
But someone who just sits to wait, will never see his Dean.
added by BIRUNGI NALONGO 1286 days ago 2    0

From trying u attain success. Whether it is a business, a game,etc u meet alot of challenges in the long run such as losses in business, loosing in games etc but u don't stop trying because ur aiming at becoming a champion. Therefore nobody has ever found things right in his or her . The world has alot of hinderances. So, we need to stick on our aims and goals to become successful.
added by Anonymous 1286 days ago 2    0

You better fail in doing something than achieving in doing nothing that's true because you better try than just not
added by 1001111125 1286 days ago 3    0

Failure is an ingredient of success all successful people meet failure at a given point so do not quit because cuitas announce victory achievers in every successful person I've got a dark history and negative parts of life
added by Anonymous 1287 days ago 10    0

Its better 2 fail at doing something than achieving in doing nothing

Failure is inevitable in every persons life and its impossible to lead our life without struggles and troubles. But hardly, no one is ready to accept the failures. We all afraid to overcome the failure as it may smash and put us on shameful situation.
But in reality many successful people are those who failed so many times in their life. They dont give up their dreams, instead they replanned and worked on it again and again.Never fail to try ……

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