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I can't wait for that great news
Those who have been laughing sconing will have no where to hide but to plead for help on how to get YEM
But unfortunately it will be costly for them.
added by 1001061415 1285 days ago 3    0

Since yem has a regulatory board which bit coin did not have. It has high chances of dominating other currencies.
added by 1001118477 1286 days ago 5    0

You seem exchange you solve a problem because men of us we holding huge amount of yen exchange 68 result of our issues like discount us go some people are poor and I holding so when Dex chain is available we shall be in person to use a volume temerity I agree with that because louisoix Bitcoin holders are using it and they have become rich UPMC exchange he's the nicest will be in person to exchange volume I need become millionaires in the world I need to reserve a problem very soon we'll be enjoying it IMDb we see what have been disturbing I want mines
added by Anonymous 1287 days ago 3    0

Yem exchange fully operational license will solve a lot issues especially discounters.

Days are numbered for the fully operational license by the kingdom of Birhrain to be acquired,yem will then be a recognized currency operating on international standards. It's the right time to store more YEM. as December 2020 approcheds

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