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It is very true,
Because faith is the strongest pillar of life, if you have faith nothing you can fail because you speak or command and it happens.
added by Anonymous 1156 days ago 0    0

According to the Bible sees it is a Divine law which most prophets in the bible usually please God for example Ibrahim circumcise himself using a stone in order to Sophie's to Goldie and when he did good. Him to go and circumcised old people slaves and my stars who are living in his home and he did he did it as a side of face once just siege we move by faith not by sight which means it's face is Adam adventure please God win you have facing good Goodwill duplicity in you or with you because you are so two-faced to him disciples had to face in the gorge in practicing dirty Jesus as DIA Mazda
added by Anonymous 1288 days ago 2    0

Faith is a divine law without faith it's impossible to please God.

The Bible says if you have faith as materd seed you can move mountains. You can speek to every mountain and it moves away from you. With faith you can posses your possessions if you have faith and nothing can move you. Mark 11:22

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It depends what is faith to you. If faith you mean by believing things you do not know because of some books you have read, then that is not faith to me. That is simply ignorance handled un-straightly.
added by Mark Cyril Jubay 1288 days ago 1    0