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The Holly Quran, has real information about the World for people who read and understand it.
This Book tells about the creation of everything on Earth, scientifically how a sperm becomes a human being, the Book mentions about the new technologies, medication especially about the herbs we have to use when we fall sick,very many thing,BUT,other people instead of loving the Book and make research,get information, they hate the Book!!!
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1281 days ago 2    0

Quran has the real truth about the world?

Quran for me is the real answer for the world problems, if you care about it, you will solve your problems in your life. Just read it till the end, pray every day for the great Muhammad prophet, the world savior and more.

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No one can tell about the truth of it because it was writen by human beings, they might have writen what is in their favours not by the Almighty's wish.
added by Anonymous 1149 days ago 0    0