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Can you day dream at night? Day dreaming at night i think it's possible because day dreaming is possible to many people
added by 1001108090 1283 days ago 0    0

Yes though it depends when its night and you are still out of bed, you can but if you're in bed and asleep then that's not daydreaming, that's all
added by Tumusiime Enock 1283 days ago 0    0

Yes you can do dream during a tonight for example if you are invited in the ceremony how do you find things which is amusing the amazing you you can dream it at night into someone when something attracts you on Lanes you'd be able to give me to during night I need other things which I miss the dim during day which medium to be fearful you can also bring them during that night for example the soldiers Wendy Wendy at work they keep on dreaming the things which they met there fix somebody dream holding two guns some people have attendees dreaming stories which they had been I said during daytime and you find them the Grinch during at night oddities come on most especially in women who have a lot of things a lot of time to paint choking during the day you find refined that stats dreaming them at night
added by Anonymous 1285 days ago 1    0

Can you really daydream at night?

Lots of people have dreams, even when they are daydream. Me also, it happens a couple times and i never remember what i dreamed. Maybe its my brain that works different from other people or it has a special device to erase any dream.

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