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It is a yes,
Because most of the people in the lockdown engage in farming where by they nolonger by food now they are sturving financially but with food they are fine.
added by Anonymous 1149 days ago 0    0

so watching reducing reducing online is the one in edge so windy watching one on to Union extra extra trip to to so echo reduce evil school this edit pic is one since plus echo who want is to y'all
added by Anonymous 1285 days ago 1    0

I absolutely agree with you that there is enough food to feed every body only that most people are just selfish they don't want to share with others.
added by BIRUNGI NALONGO 1285 days ago 1    0

C'est réel il ya assez de nourriture sur terre pour nourrir tous les corps. Mais c'est la mauvaise gestion et le manque de solidarité qui fait certains n'ont rien a manger
added by Anonymous 1285 days ago 0    0

Ye actually there is enough food to feed everyone. The only problem is greed where even those who have too much do not care about those that are without.
added by 1001109344 1286 days ago 0    0

World food day is well celebrated. There is enough Food in the world to feed every body . Yes?

World food Day is celebrated every year all over the world. WFP and other UN parastals says there is enough Food in the feed every body. But right now many economies in the world are suffering food shortages mostly due to the effect of covid 19.

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Okusokeradala nebaaza Katomda nti atuyambye atugabiriridde newamkubadde nga abantu babadde tebakola
added by Anonymous 1285 days ago 0    0

Its good to celebrate world food day because they have done a lot to reach the sterving populations but there is not enough food I. The whole parts of the world.
Thank you
added by 1001061415 1285 days ago 0    0