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Mice Although they're adorable, mice need a lot of time and patience to train them to accept handling, and they can be nippy if not handled correctly.
added by Anonymous 437 days ago 0    0

Guinea pigs enjoy company, so it's a good idea to have at least two to avoid a single pig getting lonely. They do have some specific dietary requirements, but are generally easy to care for.
added by Anonymous 437 days ago 0    0

Mice Although they're adorable, mice need a lot of time and patience to train them to accept handling, and they can be nippy if not handled correctly.
added by Anonymous 437 days ago 0    0

Guinea pigs enjoy company, so it's a good idea to have at least two to avoid a single pig getting lonely. They do have some specific dietary requirements, but are generally easy to care for.
added by Anonymous 437 days ago 0    0

A mouse can be a good pet to have in a small apartment

You or your children really love animals and would like to have a pet, but you live in a small apartment, or your landlord does not allow you to have a cat or a dog. Buying a mouse or a hamster could be a solution. If you get it very young you can domesticate it and they make excellent pets.

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