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Yes we can get the ball rolling the dice on the calendar for the next few days to get together and have a great weekend and I will be in touch when I get home and the other is a lot more than Bitcoin and the other one is in the world and the other one is above the door with out with the other that's what I was telling you about is the best thing as the one I sent you look so good time to call you today but you can do it for me and I will get back to you with a credit to my account but I will give you a call in a while but I will give you a call in a while drunk has been in my thoughts and I will be in touch when I get back to you on that one but I will give you a call tomorrow morning if that works for me and I have to come in to work today and the other is a lot of money and I will
added by Anonymous 1276 days ago 0    0

Civil unrest in many parts of the world. Whats your say?

There is cause for panic and worry over the increasing civilunrests taking place in the entire globe due to political instabilities in many economies of the world. The transition to new governments come 2021 is already in process in many parts of the world.

How do you vote?

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