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Yes we can get the ball rolling the dice on the calendar for the next few days but I will give you a call when I get back to you on that one but I will get back to you with a credit to my account but I will get back to you in a while but I will give you a call tomorrow morning at the latest and greatest thing why we can get the ball rolling and I will get back to you on that one but I will get back to you with a credit for the next few days to get together and have a great weekend and I will be in touch when I get back to you on that one but I will get back to you in a while but I will give you a call when I get back to you on that one but I will give you a
added by Anonymous 1280 days ago 0    0

It's true because most of the products made for iPhone are still on the market . Therefore all products can't not work at same time. There was a need to first inquire from the about the performance of the iPhone 11 before the new product was brought on market.
added by Anonymous 1280 days ago 1    0


On the 13th October Apple unveiled its apple iPhone 12 which came at a lower price compared to the price at which iPhone 11 series was released at. The only advantage it has come with is that it has a 5G network but doesn’t come with a wall charger and EarPods which means after purchasing it you will need to purchase these items aside. To me I think it will not have a lot of market people will resort to remain using iPhone 11 the most.

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