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Yes have benefited by taking away all my sins and change me to God is house by requesting me to follow him and become the son God thats my bennife
added by 1001092481 1279 days ago 0    0

Yes we will be there in the next few minutes late for you guys to come in and get it back to you as soon as I get miniature golf cart and it is not in the mood for the people and the other that's what I'm saying at the house and the other is a lot to do in the morning to see how you were doing good and I will be at the meeting on the calendar for me to do it tomorrow morning at the meeting on Monday and I will be at the meeting on the radio that is the case I will have to check with the other two are doing well and enjoying the snow day and time that works for people to be left many people who are doing well I hope you feel better and have a wonderful day and I hope you can make it and
added by Anonymous 1280 days ago 0    0

So so much? I have peace for he took the punishment for me, my sins are forgiven so he's my sanctifier, by Hus stripes am healed, he's my reedemer my names are written in the book of life
added by 1001061415 1280 days ago 0    0

Yes, I benefited from Christ's Calvary because he saved from my sins. I'm now a new person because of Christ's Calvary.
added by Anonymous 1281 days ago 0    0


Our Lord Jesus Christ's death on the cross on Calvary has given hope to mankind in this sinful world. If our Lord Jesus Christ did not die on the cross on Calvary, mankind would have perished in sin.
I am a beneficiary of Christ's death on Calvary! I have hope of salvation.
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