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business keeps on making profits time and again. money makes money. So as the business grows the profits increases
added by Anonymous 919 days ago
Putting up a business instead has been proven over time to be a life changing endeavor that has made many people amass great wealth.
added by Anonymous 989 days ago
Entrepreneurs are always thinking; always on the go. The busy-ness of running a startup or a company can drive you to burn out. In order to release some tasks, you need to have good processes in place as well as the right people on the bus to steer it in the right direction.
But now consider this: there is nothing like leaving your business to someone you don't believe is capable of handling issues and making decisions, which means you won't. Most successful entrepreneurs are able to let go and delegate – they realise that they need to hand over operational elements of the business so that they can focus on strategy and growth. But they will never choose a negative person to hold that position, or level of responsibility – at least not twice. All the struggle they go through is to make them have a successful life and live a comfortable life.
added by Anonymous 1114 days ago
Yes because your comfortable and your sure of making profits daily and you sure of expanding than hoping for salary where by any time you can be stopped
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Yes because business keeps on making profits time and again because money makes money. So as the business grows the profits increases.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Yes l believe but on one condition and that is to say, it depends on which kind of business because people have been so disappointed with businesses, and others have sleepless nights because of businesses but when yoi are sure with your business like the way l am with yem, then its a comfortable zone
added by 1000965722 1636 days ago
A business is incomparable to a job because like it or not your salary will be fixed and increased once or twice in your time of service so will have no hopes of getting any extra money.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
It's a yes because setting up a business can help you to get a brighter future. After getting older the business you sat before helps you to get money
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
I agree bcoz business is the secret for conformable, here I mean being employed you more like a servant to your employer who pays you salary and yet salary will not solve yo problems.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Business creates financial support and also create economy for the country... It also create job opportunity for others and makes education worthy.
added by 1000116277 1636 days ago
This is right, depending of the degree of business and it's kind one is doing, this is applicable for those with big businesses and constant investments. That's when money works for you.
added by 1000943020 1636 days ago
I agree because business in business you invest a little and gain a lot of profits hence promoting a better of people.
added by 1001108989 1636 days ago
I agree because business gives you freedom to make decisions on what you want to deal in that
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
It's obvious business is the secret for comfortable life , because being employed you more so like a slave to your employer who pays you peanuts .
And it's hard to develop with salary but business gives you peace and you independent life
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
I read one of the NO statements and he/she was talking about love. Of course that is a valid statement but not necessarily pointing out to the topic of business as better than having to gain money from job employment. Please stick to the topic and read the author's statement first. So, this is about doing business vs. job employment.
added by 1000004438 1636 days ago
I agree because I have never seen a rich man out of just a monthly salary but I have seen many business people out of business,s
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Making a business opportunity s better because its not how much you earn but how much you keep in your pocket