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Yes I do because I don't want to live the life I have grown from neither my children should do.
So it takes most of my time thinking of what can earn me money daily, monthly and yearly without any obstacle.
added by 1001080666 1285 days ago 0    0

Not really because if I spend much time planning on how I will spend my finances in the future then when will I work for the future, I know what I want already so I work towards to achieve it.

added by 1001061415 1285 days ago 0    0

Do you spend a lot of time planning your financial future?

On average people who have succeeded financially spend significantly more hours per month studying and planning their future investment decisions as well as managing their current investment. There's a saying that if you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. If anybody fails to plan his/her future, other people will utilize you to plan theirs. Better wake up and think of your future plan before it's too late. What do you have to say?

How do you vote?

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