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Very true, free things make them lazy and they don't think of what is coming tomorrow. Only support be given to those who try to something as an incentive towards what they are involved in.
However there are special case to be given free things.
added by 1001080666 1285 days ago 1    0

I agree with a "but" people should work to earn a living even God made man and gave him the garden of Eden that he should take care of it, work it, but fee things are needed to helpless people and disabled ones, free things sometimes are given as a motivational thing
I remember when I opened my pernum I found free YEM and this motivated me to register others and be active on safezone.
added by 1001061415 1285 days ago 1    0

Free things shouldn't be given to people. No work no food. Do you support this view?

Parents give property to their children as a sign of love. Too much love for children has turned to be a serious problem to children's financial status in future. This has created a society of lazy adults because of free things given by parents. Children should be taught how to work for money, how to save their earnings and how to budget their money before spending it. If they refuse to do work, deny them food. What do you have to say on this statement?

How do you vote?

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What about those with serious disabilities, yes I like seeing people working hard but there are some groups of people that u look at and really realize it that they are supposed to be given.
added by Tumusiime Enock 1285 days ago 0    0