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Actually born again christian brings it out that there level of understanding God is high teaching an extent of immitating jesus.
But everyone who really believe in God, when his trust is in Him, He can also commands at any circumstances and obeys.
added by Anonymous 1163 days ago 0    0

Being born again is accepting that Christ died for our sins, and believing that only through Him can one attain etrnal life.
added by 1000885064 1280 days ago 0    0

Pro the bible tell us that if you confess by your mouth that jesis Christ is the son of God and you believe in him your sins are for given.
added by 1001051386 1281 days ago 0    0

In the Gospel of John
Christ said when he came for baptism, its good to fulfil all the righteousness. And he got baptized like others
So for us to imitate him we have to be born again.
That is to be in Christ and you are a new creature
added by 1001061415 1281 days ago 1    1

You cannot imitate Christ if your not born again.p

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5;17 if any person is in Christ behold is a new creation , Is a new kind of man ,behold the old is gone the new has come. Romans 10:9 -10 with thy heart one believes unto righteousness and with thy mouth confession is made unto salvation .Then one will be declared as a born again person by the spirit of the living God.

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You can imitate Christ only if you you see Him as your leader and master. Lots of people are Christians but don’t imitate Christ they follow then the world would not have had such corrupt society like this. Everybody can imitate any other person only if you have confidence. Is not only born again who imitate Christ but any one who see Jesus as leading examplery life
added by 1001091631 1277 days ago 1    0