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Good manners and right conducts makes one a whole being. That person can fit into any place or job. A person may be well educated but without manners or right conduct , he may not get job or will be frequently be losing jobs. Your ability to go high in life will be as a result of well trained person with good manners, good habit and right conduct in relation with others and towards work. Good manners and conduct place people at positions that they never thought of with their educational background
added by 1001091631 1272 days ago 1    0

Your totally right when we build public good manners in our children at a young stage, this will perfectly help us build the right straight community and citizens tomorrow.
added by Anonymous 1274 days ago 1    0

Indeed that's true.Good manners and conduct are the best ways to go through Education successfully. Basing on the proverb , Discipline is the key to success. Most of the people who are / were displined, succeeded in their Education regardless of their knowledge. It's well known that indisciplined people always fail achieve their goals in different fields. They can either be business men and women, students, marriages etc. Once they luck good manners or fail to conduct themselves well, they become failures in life.
added by Anonymous 1274 days ago 1    0

Indeed but in some schools they ignore kids and leave them to misbehave. But teachers put much emphasis on class work which adds little value to a human being
added by 1000951584 1274 days ago 1    0

This is always done in early learning but its well starts from home.
Parents and care givers have got alot to do in building up a child than in schools
added by Anonymous 1274 days ago 1    0

Good Manners and Right Conduct is the most important subject of in education

GMRC or Good Manners and Right Conduct , for me is the most important subject in elementary education .
Character build-up is very important in molding up a child in order to build a better community. Basic education must begin first of having a good behavior.

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