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Nze social media yanyamba nnyo okuyita mu birowoozo ebingi mu kiseera nga sikola era sawubala kiryawo nga abatagikozesa
added by 1000982011 1274 days ago 0    0

Minus the pandemic
Social media had been the common and easiest way for people working far away from their families.
Its helping us so much to keep in touch with our families, though others misuse it.
added by Anonymous 1274 days ago 1    0

Being active in social media, one of the reasons in keeping oneself "sane" in this pandemic time .

Social media activities are eating up so much of our time . They are a big part of our daily routine . Facebook , WhatApp, Pro Or No , Wazzub , Twitter and others . They become our communicator , bridging the gap or our line connector in reaching out our families. friends , co- workers .
The world of social media become our own worl too !

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