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In most African countries where democracy is being subdued to gun rule and dictatorship, elections is a wastage of tax payer's money and carrying out silent genocide but incumbents even though being defeated, they end up suffocating the people's voices with the power of the gun.
added by Anonymous 973 days ago 0    0

The politics of today almost has no meaning because the name Democracy has been abused to the extend that its put in the Books and kept into the Bookshelf and authority in Government keep using state resources and Tax payers money to abuse their rights to fight for change of Government.
added by 1001038554 1265 days ago 0    0

Ba incumbent kizibu okukikiriza nti abalonzi babakyawa, nebwobagamba tebakiriza , balabira awo nga babakubye nenkona nenywa.
added by 1000982011 1271 days ago 0    0

Season of politics where incambates use all means to win

When it's time for elections incambates use all means to grab a win even if it means sucrifising a life they will . As witnessed in most African countries where police defend personal desires of incambates instead of protecting it's citizens

How do you vote?

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