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Ceci est le fait de la gourmandise,du fainéantise de l'ambition aux bien de ce monde. Ils ne sont pour la plus part sans foi. Le milieu est un milieu qui regorge tous les vices de cette terre. Un honnête citoyen même fervant, une fois dans le circuit, il perd sa crédibilité au milieu de ses vautours.
added by Anonymous 1276 days ago 0    0

Politics is a job where by one is appointed buy people to represent them

Am tired of politicians who say they join politics because they want to help us as citizens. Pliz politics is a job only that for it you have to attain people's fever to obtain that job or office. So politicians stop teasing us as if we are damn fools that you are here to help us pliz we don't need you help.

How do you vote?

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Politics and politicians are elected by their electorates to represent them in decisions making not helping them. It's due to the effect of being a gullible society where by its easy to manipulate ignorant people with empty promises. Most politicians doesn't know what they have to do and their electorates they don't know what they deserve especially in African countries.
added by Anonymous 979 days ago 0    0

Politics is a game that is practised where democracy subsists. Politicians are supposed to be representatives of citizens from various wards and constituencies in a locality, state, region or country. They are supposed to represent, speak on their people's behalf, bring home development, assist by enlightening their people, where needd arise. But most African politicians are fraudsters and look for personal gains.
added by 1000114031 1271 days ago 0    0