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It is very true because God sent jesus to come to us, to teach us what God wants us to do.
And if you dont believe in Him it means even God you dont know him.
Jesus is the way of life.
added by Anonymous 1163 days ago 0    0

Dans jean 14:6 Jésus a dit que Nul ne peut venir au père sans passer par lui. Il est et demeure le seul chemin pour arriver à Dieu
added by 1000938731 1233 days ago 0    0

The bible says in john 1.10-11 he was in his own but his own rejected him, JOHN 8:58 Jesus told them before you were born iam!, they picked up stones and wanted to stone him and he disappeared from them
added by 1001078079 1266 days ago 1    0

Our Lord Jesus Christ said so
He used to speak in parables but he ment actually, himself is the father, if you want the father he is the password and if you want the son he's the password still
added by Anonymous 1280 days ago 1    0

These words are from Jesus. Yes you cannot see the father except from Jesus.He spoke to the people in such away that they say He was blaspheming.
added by Anonymous 1280 days ago 2    0

Nobody comes to the father except through me. Who was responsible for those sweet words?

Jesus said nobody comes to the father except through me , he said if you have seen me you've seen him who sent me, i am in him and he is in me.The bible says in john 1.10-11 he was in his own but his own rejected him, JOHN 8:58 Jesus told them before you were born iam!, they picked up stones and wanted to stone him and he disappeared from them.

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