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No the world will not be the same again because the covid19 epidemic has hit almost all sectors and Jr will take all most 9years for them to recover and if they join safeZone project s jt will take for the few years to recover
added by Anonymous 1268 days ago 1    0

But if they could utilize this golden opportunity of Safezone
The wind of change, they would recover and even much 10 times then the previous 10 years
added by Anonymous 1272 days ago 3    0

I believe that the w
Orld will be the
Same after covid 19 what happened was a lesson to the world.The coviid 19,pandemic will improve many things

added by Anonymous 1272 days ago 4    0

One wonders if the world will ever be the same again even after Covid 19.

The entire world has really suffered the economic effect of covid 19 , today i have been in a hot argument with my colleagues even after covid 19 many sectors in the world will take long to recover ,actually it may take them over 10 years to get back their lost glories.

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No matter what happens to you, evolution is inevitable, the world can't be the same as it was before covid 19 because a lot of things are changing gradually such as the financial sector with the adoption to blockchain technology and crypto currencies since we're in digital revolution.
added by Anonymous 985 days ago 0    0