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Actually we May be lucking doctor for mulnutrition doctor but we are the first doctor of our HEALTHY and our children unless we have failed the we cosult from the doctors.
added by Anonymous 1146 days ago 0    0

Être en bonne santé dépend du type de nourriture que vous mangez. Vous devez également faire de l'exercice physique. Malgré le don de DIEU, il est de notre responsabilité d'avoir cette grâce.
added by 1001110914 1267 days ago 1    0

Most of the people are unaware of the fact that, our mind and our body are directly linked. Everything that our body does is a result of commands being given by our brain. These commands get processed in several stages and cause lot of alterations which finally makes our body act the way it does. Inversely, our body also affects our brain. The body is full of nerve endings which send signals to the brain according to which our brain reacts further. Moreover, even our internal organs are regulated by the brain, and they also send signals to the brain based on which the brain send further signals to the organs causing them to respond accordingly.
Thus, to maintain a healthy mind, it is essential to maintain a healthy body, including internal organs, and vice versa. The more we shape our body, the more our mind gets shaped. In this regard, physical fitness is extremely beneficial.
added by Anonymous 1268 days ago 0    0

Being healthy depends of the kind of food you eat. Also you need to do physical exercise. Despite it is the gift of GOD it is our responsability to have this grâce.
added by 1001130944 1273 days ago 2    0

A health body makes a health mind right? Or No!

The slagon is true we ought to work on our own bodies, to have a health and sound mind.set. Nutritional good practice will keep you health and live longer The world lacks good Nutritional doctors which has lead to malnutrition in many parts of the world especialy in children below 10 years.

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