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Does anyone have time to save our world...?

For how much longer do we stand by, and watch our beautiful world die? We must stop polluting our rivers and oceans. More electric cars need to be cheaply produced and we must drastically reduce our need for plastics. Or do we wait until the ice caps melt and cause coastal flooding on a worldwide scale. This is a problem created by you, me and everyone, and it needs drastic change by everyone to create a future for our children that we can be proud of. Let’s make 2020 the year that we turn back the clocks.

How do you vote?

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Malheureusement non.L'interet personnel est ce que chacun cherche.Regretable je sais car apparemment ça n'a l'air de gêner personne dans le monde. La preuve les riches deviennent de plus en plus riches et les pauvres de plus en plus pauvres.
added by 1001111821 1277 days ago 0    0