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It is very true those two placed are there and the choice is ours to decided where to go according to our deeds on this planet.
added by Anonymous 1154 days ago 0    0

C'est la bible qui le dit. La bible est la Parole de Dieu pour les chrétiens, c'est le testament des chrétiens. On y croit simplement, comme les enfants croient tout ce que dit leurs parents.
Par ailleurs, des personnes sont mortes et sont revenues à la vie et ont expliqué des choses. Différentes personnes qui ne se connaissent pas, mais leurs dires s'avoisinent.

added by Anonymous 1230 days ago 0    0

They are very much real
I prove it on the lost relatives
Their spirits come testifying of different destinies
In the bible the man Lazarus and a rich man
Died and they found themselves in different places. So if you still doubt wait you will prove it by yourself.
added by Anonymous 1258 days ago 1    0

Oui, le paradis est réel et l'enfer est réel.
Il ne faut pas le contester, il y a le paradis et il y a l'enfer. La Bible dit que ceux qui ont accepté Christ comme leur Seigneur et Sauveur sur terre hériteront du ciel et ceux qui l'ont rejeté iront en enfer. Cela signifie que tous les malfaiteurs ne verront pas le royaume de Dieu. Alors soyons prévenus.
added by 1001110914 1265 days ago 3    0

Behind the various Christian ideas about heaven and hell lies the more basic belief that our lives extend beyond the grave (see the entry on afterlife). For suppose that our lives do not extend beyond the grave. In addition to excluding a variety of ideas about reincarnation and karma, this would also preclude the very possibility of future compensation of any kind for those who experience horrendous evil during their earthly lives. Indeed, despite their profound differences, many Christians (though perhaps not all) and many atheists can presumably agree on one thing at least. If a young girl should be brutally raped and murdered and this should be the end of the story for the child, then a supremely powerful, benevolent, and just God would not exist. An atheist may seriously doubt that any future compensation would suffice to justify a supreme being’s decision to permit such an evil in the first place.
added by Anonymous 1266 days ago 1    0

They are very much real
I prove it on the lost relatives
Their spirits come testifying of different destinies
In the bible the man Lazarus and a rich man
Died and they found themselves in different places. So if you still doubt wait you will prove it by yourself.
added by Anonymous 1269 days ago 1    0

To Christians I may say it want the scriptures tells us that inorder to enter the kingdom of God we must be free from sin and believe in scriptures that was tought by Jesus.
added by 1000917050 1270 days ago 1    1

Yes heaven is real and hell is real.
It should not be disputed, there is heaven and there is hell. Bible has it that those that accepted Christ as their Lord and Saviour while on earth will inherit the heaven and those that rejected him will go to hell. Meaning all evil doers will not see the kingdom of God. So let us be warned.
added by Anonymous 1271 days ago 1    1

Is Heaven and Hell real as stipulated by Christians?

Hell is the prepared place by God for sinners who do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and master and have not washed their robes in the blood of the lamb. Once we believe every word of God, then hell too as mentioned by God and must be believed as such. If it is real, then do you choose hell which is prepared for sinners or heaven which is for saved saints

How do you vote?

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Le paradis est réel mais l'enfer n'est pas réel , parce que Dieu a créé un paradis sur terre, et puis il a mis les premiers parents de dans pour qu'ils en prennent soin selon jeunesse 1:27,28 en suite après leurs péchés Dieu a dit vous allez mourir selon jeunesse 3:14-19 pas l'enfer.merci
added by Anonymous 1257 days ago 0    0