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We wemen we have less power to fight worldly battle thats why we put all our trust, battle, marriage, children, and all our everything to him because we know he is the over all.
added by Anonymous 1169 days ago 0    0

We know women have soft heart and are easily convinced and believe in everything they see or hear. In Jesus’s ministry, lots of women followed him and helped him. Like Martha, Mary, Salomay and the rest followed Jesus till death and were first to see his ressurection. Most men dispersed after Jesus’s death living the women behind to their faith
added by 1001078079 1266 days ago 1    0

Women in everything are devoted
Even in military once they are a signed to a mission they do it with passion, they love to death
They lay down their lives for the sake others.
The strength of a woman
They pass in the most difficult paths. This makes them Love God more than male
added by Anonymous 1278 days ago 1    0

It's true to say that women love God more than men but also they have a big population considered to it may also be a reason to why they are many in church compared to men.
added by 1000917050 1279 days ago 1    0

In Christianity, women love God more than men

Women form 56 percentage of worlds population. Every where you go, women are seen more than men and so is in church. We know women have soft heart and are easily convinced and believe in everything they see or hear. In Jesus’s ministry, lots of women followed him and helped him. Like Martha, Mary, Salomay and the rest followed Jesus till death and were first to see his ressurection. Most men dispersed after Jesus’s death living the women behind to their faith

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I’m not an expert in genetics, but there appears to be some fairly compelling evidence (for example from studies of twins) that genes do affect our disposition to be religious. And if that’s the case, it’s at least plausible that the gender gap in religiosity is partly a matter of biology. If true, though, I doubt that it’s because there’s a “God gene” and women are more likely to have it than men. It seems easier to believe that physiological or hormonal differences could influence personality, which may in turn be linked to variations in “spirituality” or religious thinking.
added by Anonymous 1275 days ago 0    0