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And on the bad, down days, you wonder if you will find the strength to overcome the setbacks in your life. The disappointment can be crushing, but this is not the end of your story. There is more for you and I hope that reading through these quotes will give you the strength to choose to never give up.Even on the days when it feels like your world has come crashing down around you, remember this: we are gifted with a new morning to start afresh, to begin again. It is a sign of the cycles of life; the dark is always followed by the light of day, and so it is with your trials. Reset and begin again in the morning.
added by Anonymous 1273 days ago 0    0

Wherever there is a setback there is a challenge. So,the only way to overcome a challenge is to put in more action, or change the direction, but never giveup, and keep focusing on your goal, that is when a setback can not manage to pull you backwards.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1276 days ago 0    0

I agree. Your are not supposed to accept challenges to set you back. There isn't any challenge that can't end.And every problem comes in with purpose of either setting u back or taking you to another level.
added by Anonymous 1277 days ago 0    0

Never let your setback to pull you backwords. It is just a stopover.

We all know that we grow by falling in life, and in everything on Earth.
Challenges normally bring fear to most people and remain where they fall the rest of their lives,than getting up and gain momentum or change position if necessary, in order to reach your goal.
What matters is how you overcome challenges, through, determination, organized plans and massive action.

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