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There is both practical and moral wisdom in this proverb.

Firstly, the 'wise man' is a steward of resources and stores up good things for the future, while the foolish man consumes before he can save. The wise man always has enough, even in times of crisis - whereas the fool 'never has enough', even in times of plenty. (Prov 13:4)

Secondly, the wise man will be blessed by following the commands of God (Psalm 112:1-3, Prov 13:25), whereas the foolish man ignores the commands of God and does harm to his household, not good. (Prov 12:24, I Samuel 25:2-34). This may be in large part because the fool prefers his mischief and wicked schemes over seeking out advice and wisdom (Prov 10:23, Prov 12:15) The fool will seek to 'get rich quick', even if he has to cut corners or cross ethical boundaries.
[This does not mean the wise will always receive blessing and wealth, or that the wicked are always punished in this life -
added by Anonymous 1265 days ago 0    0

A wise man gets his money and plans against the future.The foolish man will not think of tomorrow,but will larvish his money as soon as gets it.we should be conscious of making investments.
added by Anonymous 1269 days ago 1    0

A wise man saves for the future but a false man spends every thing he earns.

A wise man saves for the future but. A false man spends all his earnings. Let's be wise,think of tomorrow and your family the time when you will have no energy to work any more. Save something for tomorrow, how about your children, always get a portion out of your earnings and save.

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