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JTS not good for students to move with smartphone s to schools because they make them loose interest in their teachers and there's are being scamed and they learn immortality and many other things which can attract them off topics and even they tail to opposite sex hence giving them bad appointment s
added by Anonymous 1269 days ago 2    0

No mobel phone are not good for students at school because they promote pornography And student s can not atend classes while they are interested in. Urine channels on phones hence promoting school draw up
added by Anonymous 1275 days ago 2    0

They can be monitored but to my view they have no problem
It requires discipline and monitoring.
They can be allowed in specific times since technology is taking lead, they need daily payments for some needs
added by Anonymous 1276 days ago 2    0

No the secondary students are not supposed to be with phones at school because the phone captures the learner's attention hense destroys parents money for school fees
added by Anonymous 1277 days ago 4    0

Should the use of mobile phones be allowed by students in second cycle schools

Mobile phones are communication tool which helps to get messages across to others. In the olden days, one has to travel far to deliver information to a person . This was stressful and time wasting. Life has now become simple because within twinkle of an eye, information is delivered by using mobile phones and others. But what do youth use this for, watching ponographic sites, scamming, betting and visiting other unimportant sites to waste their times and precious times. If these children are to use mobile phones in schools, don’t know what will happen to their academics. The question is, will they be able to use it wisely

How do you vote?

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We all know that time in schools, and it is not advisable to allow students using Mobile phones, because ,the phone itself has very many functions, which the students will engage in apart from communication.
Games, scamming,immorality and many other thing which can attract these students and take them off the topic !.
And they love to communicate to opposite sex and start making bad appointments, etc.
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1276 days ago 2    0