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Wadde nga nkoze ensobi nenyiga ku pro ate nga sikyakizza mabega, naye egyo emirembe egikumira abakyala mu biyungu gyakoma dda! Tuli mu mulembe gwa mwenkanonkano
added by 1000982011 1276 days ago 0    0

Is it true that women’s place is in the kitchen as our elders say

Women are the main backbone of every man. They are joined with their husband to be supporters but not cooks. Eventhough, women normally cook in the house but no one has assigned that work to them. In the olden days, women were housewives and were not working to earn money but what about these days. Women work the same hours like men and always finance some expenses too. Some even spend more than men

How do you vote?

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There are several reasons why we need to have women participating in the peace process. First, women need to be involved so that the process is inclusive. More than half the population is made up of women; without us, peace will not be sustained. The issues that women have in conflict are also not the same as those experienced by men, and women often have a greater awareness of the details of daily life in the community. Moreover, women can contribute to the process as we have a different approach to conflict resolution and social transformation.
added by Anonymous 1274 days ago 0    0

C'est un vieux dicton. Je ne suis pas du tout d'accord parce que Dieu a créé les hommes et les femmes de manière égale pendant la création, comme à cette époque, seul l'enfant mâle est envoyé à l'école tandis que la fille reste à la maison pour aider les parents. Aujourd'hui, l'histoire a changé, les femmes réussissent mieux dans la société laïque et même au gouvernement, leur adage dit que ce qu'un homme peut faire une femme peut faire mieux est la vraie vérité aujourd'hui. L'histoire a changé de mains
added by 1001110914 1274 days ago 0    0

Its an old saying. I quite disagree because God created the men and women equally during creation, on like those days only the male child is sent to school while the female child remains at home to assist the parents. Today the story has change, women are doing better in the secular society and even in government, theirs an adage that says what a man can do a woman can do better is the real truth today. Story has change hands
added by Anonymous 1276 days ago 1    0

Not in these days. Omulembe ogwo gwakoma ogwa abakyaala okwekumira mufumbiro. Teberezamu bulk mulimu ogukorebwa omusajja no' mukyala agusobola
added by 1000950467 1276 days ago 0    0

las mujeres en estos tiempos ya son cabezas de muchos hogares traban y se hacen responsables de sus hijos y esposos y hasta de sus padres ya no son esclavas de la cocina y la casa ahora desempeñan funciones importantes y cargos avanzados en nuestra sociedad que en tiempos pasados eran imposibles para ellas
added by Anonymous 1276 days ago 0    0