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As the other equatorial climate in this region, this region has no dry season but has a well-developed double maximum rainfall in May and October. There is high average temperatures and humidity throughout the year. The Kenyan coast differs from the equatorial climate being well known for its high annual rainfall totals in that it receives much lower totals.
4.2 Modified Tropical Climate of the Kenya Highlands
The modification is caused by the high varied relief. The resulting climate is therefore cooler than a tropical continental climate. The amount of rainfall received at different places depends very much on the position of the station in relation to the rain-bearing winds.
added by Anonymous 1274 days ago 0    0

Kino kituyamba nnyo nga bana Ouganda kuba tulinanye equator, era ffe enkuba tetugikaaba nnyo ekituwa omukisa okulima emmere etumala okulyako nokutundako
added by 1001110914 1274 days ago 2    0

Kino kituyamba nnyo nga bana Uganda kuba tulinanye equator ,era ffe enkuba tetugikaaba nnyo ekituwa omukisa okulima emmere etumala okulyako nokutundako
added by 1000982011 1275 days ago 1    0

Most of the Nations along the equator experience much rainfall during October.

The number one reason is they receive much rainfall , they hardly experience drought's, they are above the poverty line as others keep crying for food ,those along the equator line wil be supplying food to various region's!and economies of the World.

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