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It's good especially when it's practiced for food not like most people do planting flowers that cannot be eaten yet when foodstuffs are planted, they can help one to save a certain amount that would be spent buying those foodstuffs.
added by Anonymous 991 days ago 0    0

Backyard gardening cant solve all your food requirements as some may think, but will surely subsidize on your food requirements and hence make some savings - however little. Secondly, this practice is a healthy benefit to your body and family as ti will keep you physically busy, and if managed well, will help reduce on the amount of chemicals we ingest when we eat market foodstuffs that are sprayed with all sorts of chemicals.
added by Anonymous 1269 days ago 2    0

With the global population expected to reach over 9 billion by 2050, there is a continuous need to increase food production and buffer stocks. In this scenario, countries around the world, especially developing countries where the pervasiveness of hunger and food scarcity is more acute, are resorting to various counter strategies to meet the growing demand and to avert food insecurity and famine. Over the recent years there has been growing interest to strengthen and intensify local food production in order to mitigate the adverse effect of global food shocks and food price volatilities. Consequently, there is much attention towards home gardens as a strategy to enhance household food security and nutrition. Home gardens are an integral part of local food systems and the agricultural landscape of developing countries all over the world and have endured the test of time.
added by Anonymous 1269 days ago 4    0

Its of much help
Actually with vegetables instead of flowers
But you find a lot of flowers on the family but they are lacking vegetables or free land around but they are crying of food
added by Anonymous 1270 days ago 3    0

Yes they solve the problems of food so much in away that people do not spend more money in buying food hence promoting on the economic growth in the family @@@@
added by Anonymous 1270 days ago 3    0

Backyard gardening is a big help to solve food shortage.

Backyard gardening, is the easiest and quickest way to help solving the food shortage problem .
Not everyone as lucky to acquire huge space of lands . Backyard gardening can be done in smallest lots , or even you can use recycle materials as soil pots .
Lemon grass , pepper , tomatoes , green leafy vegetables are best examples of backyard gardening .

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Iam saying no to the statement because the back yard garden is not vast to produce all the food you may require.Most garden are having only vegetables.when you may be wanting to eat potatoes.
added by Anonymous 1270 days ago 2    1