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Mothers are more critical of their daughters than their sons, and admit to having a having stronger bond with their little boys, according to research.

While they praise particular characteristics in their sons – seeing them as being "funny", "cheeky" and "playful" – mothers admit that they are likely to denigrate their daughters for showing similar attributes, referring to them instead as "stroppy", or "argumentative".
added by Anonymous 1272 days ago 2    0

Most mothers love their sons more than their daughters.The reason is that the son in the family the marriage is secured.The have it in mind that girls will tomorrow marry out but son remains
added by Anonymous 1272 days ago 2    0

Dans la plupart des cas, lorsque les garçons se marient, les femmes leur font oublier que leurs familles les tirent de leur côté et les hommes finissent par se soucier du côté de la femme. Une autre raison pour laquelle les femmes aiment les garçons à filles pensent qu'elles sont les héritières de la propriété de leur père.
added by 1001110914 1273 days ago 3    0

In most case's when boys get married women make them forget about their families pulling them to their side and men end up caring about the woman's side. Another thing why women love boy's to girl's they think about them being the heirs to their father's property.
added by Anonymous 1273 days ago 1    0

Indeed coz when boys gets married most of them they mind about their family, an for get their parents which is not in agirl child.
added by Anonymous 1273 days ago 2    0

And most fathers love their daughters more than their sons. Fathers are proud of their sons. This has been an alphabetical truth since the dawn of time.
added by 1000007366 1273 days ago 3    0

Most Mothers Love Their Sons More Than Their Daughters.

Most of our mothers cant bear to hear anything bad about their sons.
But accordingly girls always take big sacrifices in famlies than boys ,girls make it up to their families in future compaired to boys.

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it depends on the mother because our parents our different. there is a mother who has a favorite son and there is a mother who has a favorite daughter . it depends .
added by Anonymous 1272 days ago 1    0

I think both kids have special places in their parents' hearts, each is unique so loved in unique ways equally.
added by Anonymous 1273 days ago 1    0