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Exactly it's true those who were the first will last and visevarsa, that is life because some people say, this life no balance...
added by AHIMBISIBWE EMMANUEL 657 days ago 0    0

Indeed it is very true,
The gosple of yem started from urban areas to the rulal areas but people in rulal areas understood what is talking place but rulal where we know theres quick thinkers they say those are thieves dont join them.
added by Anonymous 1146 days ago 0    0

not every one will understasnt bsecause not every one can see what is coming but those who wait upone the lord shall be saved untill the last houre
added by 1000911436 1265 days ago 3    0

The phrase “first will be last and the last, first” can be found in four major passages of the Bible: Matthew 19:30; 20:16; Mark 10:31 and Luke 13:30. Both Matthew 19:30 and Mark 10:31 are about the same parable. There are two different events.
Parable of the Vineyard
The first time the phrase “first will be last and the last will be first” occurs in scripture is in Matthew 19:29-30. It introduces a parable which begins and ends with this phrase. Jesus had just told the disciples that it was hard for a wealthy person to enter heaven (Matt. 19:23-26). The Jews believed that wealthy people could gain God’s favor and righteousness by giving money (alms). This was a surprise to Peter. Here is Peter’s response.
added by Anonymous 1265 days ago 3    0

Yes he to because he wanted his people to use the brain think twice so that they understand better his words that he used to teach them.
added by 1000917050 1265 days ago 4    0

Very true my lord my God used to preach in parables and he said many has eyes but they don't see and many has ears but they don't hear. Oh Lord help me to understand you always
added by 1000950467 1265 days ago 4    0

Jesus used to preach in parables the last shall be the first and the first last.

Jesus said many will be called but very few will be chosen. I believe this will be the same experience with YEM Cryptal currency ,very many have been sensitized about yem Cryptal curency as to how it will be a replacement current for the dollar and the Euro ,others believe and catch the vision and invest in Yem while others refute and take it for granted and deribarately fail to invest in the future curency YEM.

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