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There are 195 countries worldwide according to UN but in reality they should be 196 including Palestine because it's unfair to give Israel a state hood while Palestine as an authority yet the whole land was for the Palestinians.
added by Anonymous 1009 days ago 0    0

195 Sovereign States According to the U.N.
"Country" and "nation" are casual words for what political scientists call a "sovereign state," meaning a place with its own borders and completely independent government. The question of which places count as sovereign states can be controversial, but for starters we normally count all the member and observer countries of the United Nations (U.N.):These countries mostly all accept each other as sovereign states, and they're the ones you'll see on most world maps and lists of the world's countries. Almost every country you've ever heard of is probably a member of the U.N., and the two U.N. observer states are Vatican City (represented by the Holy See) and Palestine. If you want to know the names of all 195, Wikipedia has a complete list.
The last addition to the list was in 2012, when Palestine became a UN Observer State, and the last time the number of full U.N. members changed was when South Sudan joined in 2011.
added by Anonymous 1284 days ago 2    0

How many countries are in the world Pro or No

195 Sovereign States According to the U.N.
Almost every country you've ever heard of is probably a member of the U.N., and the two U.N. observer states are Vatican City (represented by the Holy See) and Palestine. If you want to know the names of all 195, Wikipedia has a complete list

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