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Yes agriculture have done more harm than good bse alot of things we got from agriculture we farmers for example when you grow crops after you sell them and gt money.
added by 1001092481 1277 days ago 2    0

The government must revise its farm subsidy policy before the consequences of it have even more negative effects on the livelihood of the nation’s farmers.
The government continues to claim that its subsidy policy will result in a better standard of living for Thai farmers, simply by boosting the prices of farm produce. But the evidence so far suggests that the government should immediately bring a halt to the scheme and stop the massive spending of taxpayers’ money on wasteful projects that do not serve the purpose of boosting prices in a sustainable manner.
Worse still, the subsidy scheme has distorted the market, wrecking Thai competitiveness in exports of farm produce and eroding the incentives for Thai farmers to improve their productivity.
added by Anonymous 1278 days ago 3    0

Agriculture has done more harm than good.

Agriculture is the back born of many economies in the world ,it has also done more than harm. many economies in the world are dependent on agricultural practice's and still have the capacity to sustain them selves without any foreign aid.

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Agriculture provides humans with food which is a basic necessity and it's practice has done less harm to the environment than what's done by humans. It's human activities such as emitting harmful substances to the atmosphere which contributes to climate change as compared to what agriculture does.
added by Anonymous 1009 days ago 0    0