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Because Fbk is is public its for every one to use thats why massaging is encorapted pipo sends there alot of massages which is part of tecknolrdge also.
added by 1001092481 1258 days ago 3    0

In the world of individual privacy and data security, this could be the ultimate irony. Facebook, the company that has taken more fire than any other for misusing, abusing and losing user data, has become the last line of defence in the fight against government access to that same user data. Led by the U.S. and U.K., Facebook is under increasing pressure to delay plans to expand encryption across its platforms until backdoors can be added to enable government agencies access to user content.
But is everything as it seems? Has Facebook really turned away from its casual approach to user data to become the poster child for user privacy? Facebook has its own dilemma around monetising data on an encrypted platform, so what motive does it have to promote security at the expense of its own access? Unsurprisingly, the answer is that Facebook’s agenda is not quite the surprise it may have seemed.
added by Anonymous 1259 days ago 4    0

Facebook Messaging Platform Encryption Technology

Facebook is introducing End to End Encryption in its messaging platforms which claims best technology to protect people's private information from Scammers, Hackers, Foreign Interference while protecting free speech however the Authorities don't want it introduced because they say brings in Bad Actors in helping Paedophiles, Terrorists & Criminals to prosper their activities so are you for Messaging Encryption?

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