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Let's end extrem poverty by securing pernums . Help us with small or little some good person to give me some but dones. I also get at least one Yem. Thank you
added by 1001245554 919 days ago
The difference between moving ahead or staying back is simply in how we make use of and invest our time.Let's end extrem poverty by
added by Anonymous 989 days ago
The difference between moving ahead or staying back is simply in how we make use of and invest our time
added by Anonymous 989 days ago
Yes and this was I coming to am end very soon as we all know how fast this currency is moving and gaining value at a high speed lest keep it up always
added by Anonymous 1001 days ago
Pernum that is kind of business which financially lead free people in the world and also brings changes in financial affaires
added by Anonymous 1132 days ago
pun tho to edit in the pony will edge in the evening em on uni rest too watch Co rec room the way to in to watch edit 9 echo ex was to so up
added by Anonymous 1610 days ago
It has all the requirements like security privacy
When investing you are very much that your account is secure and the same time flexible meaning all you need is internet you can open it wherever you are no matter a home, work ,
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Pernum is gonna end the world's economic war simply because it is an effective, secured and privately guarded wallet (digital wallet) which can be used across the entire globe without any third party like the banking agents or blockerage which may delay the processes of any financial dealings.
added by 1000942660 1636 days ago
Ofcourse, l say this with pride because l see from where pernum came from and where it is heading, shortly6the whole world will be digital and pernum with its security has to be the only way to go to digital world
added by 1000965722 1636 days ago
Yes I agree Pernum will do best in coming days... This is our safezone digital wallet for payment transactions it will boost many online businesses and merchants to pay online
added by 1000354364 1636 days ago
Pernum roll is a very important in 21st century, Bcz now world is ready for digitalization and pernum is also ready to take challenges.
added by 1000006583 1636 days ago
Truly this era is becoming digital therefore Pernum is the only way forward. And bad guys will find it hard to penetrate safe zone which makes it unique.
added by 1001098467 1636 days ago
Ofcourse just because in 21st century it's all about digital transformation and pernum is a system of digital currency yem which is raising at a high rate and pernum is under blockchain technology which gives no chance to bad guys while gives full security to users
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
It's because 21 century is the century of digital currency and pernum is the wallet controller under safe zone and with pernum people are seeing wealth
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Yes I agree, I have a lot of faith in rainbow currency......because I know pernum will change many people's lives
According how its promising us.
added by 1000923395 1636 days ago
Getting pernum is getting wealthy and the only deal that will make a difference from other cryptocurrency companies
added by 1000923395 1636 days ago
It's yes because 21st century is a digital world. So Pernum is a digital wallet with yem which grows high and high everyday
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Pernum is the perfect sure deal wealth provider, look, I'm working smartly but with great expectations.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
it is true because all means of communication wilbe attached on pernum system to ease communication without any brrier
added by 1001081896 1636 days ago
pernum keeps all individuals programms or identification on the wallet and yem on his or her pernum wallet which will save to eliminate poverty
added by 1001081896 1636 days ago
Pernum has simplified everything and it can be invested in any project you fill like. and it's security is good no one can steal it so that's one of the war pernum has won
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
The fact that generation have lost many opportunities of luck, it has come to our time that we can get pernum which is the future in the 7th disruption of the world. Since it is not lack of time, friends, luck, but due to lack of direction. Here, pernum with it's services is the direction.
added by 1000969800 1636 days ago
I have alot faith in pernum going to change people's Life for sure.we are waiting for pernum pay to take over the world
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Due to its supportive programs like Solario, safe water,twngl estate and twngl shops will ease the worlds 4th digital industrial revolution with very high quality of privacy in transaction and stability in the YEM currency.
added by 1000969800 1636 days ago
Thanks to safezone which provides that maximum security and privacy to the pernum wallet, with this kind of stature no more war , peace
added by 1000943020 1636 days ago
Due to securing pernums the class differences will also be fought because people will have capacity of sustain the living style and also many developmental projects will be put in place because the governments will be collecting enough taxes due to pernum since it is a form of trade exchange thus also improving on trade hence creating more employment opportunities
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
According to the rising value of yem compared to other currencies, Yem is the weapon of economic war.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Pernum with its maximum privacy and security will change the game of Internet security and mode of payment hence making doing business smarter.
added by 1001048317 1636 days ago
Because I know thing , the different between a beggar and billionaire is in mindset how each other think and handle personal matters
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Infact pernum has already ended my poverty . pernum found me struggle on how to make it in life but now I can see my future is very bright .
No more fear of tomorrow.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Yes this true basing on the journey of the safezone and unicorn promises always come to pass though slaw but sure on steady progress
added by 1001114648 1636 days ago