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Unicorn has given us a great opportunity according to the way we see things are running, and today music is supposed to be digitalised if we're to gain from it. Our vision is to change other artists' attitude because even where they're, there's nothing left! Thank you
added by 1001245554 919 days ago
and today music is supposed to be digitalised if we're to gain from it. Our vision is to change other artists' attitude because even where they're, there's nothing left!.
added by Anonymous 988 days ago
Unicorn has given us a great opportunity according to the way we see things are running, and today music is supposed to be digitalised if we're to gain from it
added by Anonymous 989 days ago
Uganda's biggest talent team is so creative and is going to develop many ugandas youth talent's...
Thanks to Unicorn network
added by Oward Ahumuza 1635 days ago
yes i do agree Yem is our everyday money and our hope so i appeal to all Ugandans and Africa at large to get there Pernum before its too late for them
added by YASSIN LUKENGE 1636 days ago
1-Ugandans biggest talented team is too creative it improves Uganda's economy like the tourism industry
2_It improves Uganda's health services like doctors etc..
3-It eases the transportation of goods from rural to urban areas.
added by 1000898637 1636 days ago
Of course safe zone is to lift the world
In fact those who Will be left behind are to suffer image the world where very thing is made in the comfort of your home and it's true that technology find its way
added by RASHID MUSOKE 1636 days ago
Ofcourse these guys demonstrate their inner feeling and love towards Talent and more so safezone and her projects indicate future happiness and has got everyone covered. Also the talent communicates alot to the entire public in whole world.
added by 1000942660 1636 days ago
Yes I know because talents have become a source of income and It has developed many people in the country and in the world.
added by GASUZA FREDRICK PATRICK 1636 days ago
The music industry is so organized,music industry has become a business and when digitalised , Artists will be taken to the next levels.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
I have read of how music will soon be embracing block chain technology. With SafeZone encouraging music talents and creativity among members, am sure this will benefit more content and participation across the globe.
added by 1000885064 1636 days ago
Yes ugandans are so creative when it comes to music , dance and comedy and it has helped them in there financial things
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
It has done alot of things and it's aim is to show the ugandan and around the world ,the benefits of joining unicorn and digital world .it deceive credit .
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Having atalent in Uganda is more than having a PHD or adiploma coz have seen alot of talented people who didnt go to school making their life successful.
added by 1001046006 1636 days ago
Ugandan are so relented and other thing, Uganda has a great and abiggets music industry and art as well
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
I think this makes a lot of sense for us music lovers and writers .. This is really going to make way for many uprising talents to share their art with a large number of viewers .. This is going to be really amazing and empowering ..
And it's going to help a lot in promoting talent. Biggest talent is super cool I can't wait to be part of it already. I think any one out there with any kind of talent should really make use of this big opportunity.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Ugandan are so talented in music and other things, they are so creative when it comes to arts to the extent of getting to international levels
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Thanks for the Unicorn network our artists they're going to benefit more and is going to boost their talent
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago
Yes l gree with you because they have spread the good news of pernum and yem, through their songs and many things. Therefore let them utilise this great opportunity given to them by safezone as they lmplement their talents while being paid.
added by 1000965722 1636 days ago
Yes I agree especially when it comes to internet access business, mostly people joined internet businesses like unicorn networks and bitcoin
added by 1000923395 1636 days ago
Yah it's very much creative because they have several groups where they share success with the members and every body is happy and impacting lives is their slagon.
added by Anonymous 1636 days ago