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To get other coins and tokens on Yemchain, one has to first buy YEM which creates its demand and those coins such as TEC has been used to tokenised various properties in different countries thus creating demand for YEM and it applies to the other tokens as well.
added by Anonymous 998 days ago 0    0

Yes I think so the subcoins were a creative additional item. It increased demand for yem and they are still increasing the demand for yem in the future.
added by Anonymous 1215 days ago 0    0

Yes the subcoins such as TwnklEstate, Twnkshop and the others increased the demand for yem. Unfortunately covid stopped many projects in property and traveling. When property projects restart in different countries and continents and also the travels in the world yem will be demanded much more

added by 1000044077 1234 days ago 0    0

Obviously yes, the creation of Twnklcoins has and will spark the price for YEM once the projects they are associated with are resumed, since Covid has hindered the activation of most smart contract projects. As soon as the smart contract projects get activated in different parts of the world the demand for Twnklcoins will increase as well as the value for YEM.
added by 1001048317 1237 days ago 1    0

Absolutely perfect and in the community of business where demands are give room to competition definitely this creates an opportunity to increase of YEM in Value and Circulation therefore making Yem to be the best Option for the feature Business.
added by 1001038554 1253 days ago 7    0

Has the 4 Twnkl Coins managed to increase demand for YEM?

Since the introduction of 4 Twnkl Coins of TEC,TSCH,TMC & TVC would you agree it has managed to increase YEM demand purchases of its product goods categories from analyzing the YEM Chain Transaction Stats?

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