Discussion about aliens on Earth can be, for the sake of argument, placed into two camps: claims and theories. Claims are those that appear on the covers of supermarket tabloids or occasionally make for a fun feature in a mainstream news publication.
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Aliens are just individual fantasies of people who think that is the ideal world or better yet what they want the world to be
added by Anonymous 1079 days ago
The aliens that people talk abaut don't exist, insteady its the creativity and new technology of people. Because these aliens most people believe that exist, they have watched them into moves and this is just technology but not for real
added by 1000965722 1555 days ago
Space atmospheric conditions lack of Food, Water, Light doesn't make it possible for other forms of Life.
added by 1000000338 1555 days ago
claims and theories. Claims are those that appear on the covers of supermarket tabloids or occasionally make for a fun feature in a mainstream news publication.
added by Anonymous 906 days ago 0 0
I think there are aliens living far from our planet and occasionally visit our earth because, like us, they are inquisitive. What I don't know is why man's many trips into other regions if the universe have not revealed the abode if the aliens. Everybody thinks that they are located somewhere far above the earth but nobody can say for sure.
added by 1000851268 1407 days ago 1 0
Alien life does exist it is for real..
depending on some occurences lately.A case in point on 20 October 2017 the bject that bypassd eart,'oumoumou"
it could hit strong envidence for existance of green men or white or even identical as human,who knows
added by Anonymous 1554 days ago 4 0
In many ways I believe that aliens are demons, and creatures living in other dimensions, but have an entry into our earthly realm.
added by Anonymous 1555 days ago 3 0