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Trick yourself.
Many behavioral economists say mental accounting (i.e., treating different piles of money with different intentions) helps trick your brain into better budgeting and saving.
This strategy might sound a little complicated, but it’s really a take on the classic envelope system, where you allocate your paycheck to a weekly or monthly budget and put the cash into different envelopes – one for each budget category. Once the envelopes are empty, your budget is maxed out.
added by Anonymous 1266 days ago 0    0

Advice for money. (9) pro or no

KEEPING RECORDS AND RECORDS CORRECT ACCOUNTING FAVORABLE FOR BUSINESS: Keeping accurate records and accounting records stimulates business efficiency as it inspires confidence among customers, investors and business partners. And trust is what underpins our long-term success. WE HONESTLY DECLARE COSTS, EXPENSES AND EARNINGS Each of us has a duty to comply with all internal rules regarding registration and storage Company records and accounting records. Make sure our records and reports correctly reflects the true nature of all transactions, whether we are talking about major expenses or about small refunds. Collaborate with internal and external auditors and report any concerns you may have you have them at the Compliance Department.

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