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“You are what you eat” is probably the truest statement you will ever hear regarding your health and habits. It is not just a metaphor or a modern-time meme that took its essence of it out of context. It illustrates an important message that everything we consume will eventually reflect on us physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.
added by Anonymous 765 days ago 0    0

You are what you eat, and if you eat “bad food” you will have bad health what you feed your body with is very important
added by Anonymous 988 days ago 0    0

Exactly usually what we eat contributes to our behaviors, especially those who eat poke many of them have short tempers and and usually they don't forgive easily
added by Anonymous 999 days ago 1    0

We are what we eat and what we eat eats us. We must ensure that we eat organic foods in order to be healthy and strong. Some people try to cut costs by eating whatever they consider to be cheap and filling but they neglect their health by so doing. But what is the use of making money if we cannot spend it to feed well. Only the healthy can work, the sick cannot.
added by 1000851268 1487 days ago 1    0

You are what you eat, and if you eat
added by Anonymous 1634 days ago 1    0

Yes what enters your body has a lot ofbinfluence on it, poor feeding causes the body unhealthy and good feeding makes the body strong and healthy, fherfore watchout what you eat and wash your hands before eating, stay safe
added by 1000965722 1634 days ago 1    0

I believe supplementing a lot is a good nutritional practice as well ,
many product companies are in place its good to be part of and enjoy discounts as well, lets be safe health and enjoy a good life
YEM to the MOON!!!!!
added by Anonymous 1634 days ago 1    0

yah sure I believe practicing good nutrition is the main gate way to a good health life ,lets try to avoid junk over flied foods and we shall live a health life and enjoy our YEM as it appreciates and changing the world.
added by 1000987402 1634 days ago 1    0

yeah we should always watch our diets for us to live a healthy lives because eating bad food leads to poor health and it's not good for our bodies
added by Anonymous 1634 days ago 1    0

that is true food makes the body whatever you eat makes your body diet plays abig role in mans life we should be carefull in whatever we eat
added by Anonymous 1634 days ago 1    0

That is pretty basic. I agree. I have been practicing and living a health conscious lifestyle for several years now and I can fully assert that eating healthy foods is one of the secrets to a longer life. I am now 49 years old but I look like I'm 39 and as strong as a 30 years old male.
added by 1000004438 1634 days ago 1    0

You are what you eat, so watch you diet and don't eat unhealthy foods

The phrase “you are what you eat” has been repeated many times. Each person saying it may have had a slightly different agenda. Sometimes the agenda is to promote viewpoints on nutrition and health. You are what you eat, and if you eat “bad food” you will have bad health. Or, perhaps, you’ll even be a bad person. Yes, sometimes, it is philosophical. Food is culture.

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i cant deny food has a significant effect on a persons health its true but health is not all about food but also other factors can be of serious effect.
Of these are financial,psycological health,social health to mention but a few,if any of the above is faulty,your immunity is brought as down,so the phrase,is mere being optimistic
added by Anonymous 1634 days ago 1    0