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Yes some people dont know yet the value of yem they ate throwing away gold because of ingnorance and because of poverty yem has not cashed out
added by Kisuze Ronald 1226 days ago 0    0

yes i think so but every person must think what is good for him , you are the owner from your yem you decide what to do the consequencis are for your self nobody else thus don,t worry abaut it ,
added by Anonymous 1247 days ago 2    0

It is very true because they have failed to be patient for a little while.
These are the people who do not have any income,and thought that,YEM,is going to feed them and finish all their problems, and worst of all,thosevwho have few YEM are the ones sell the little they have,
added by HASSAN LOKWII ANOCHE 1247 days ago 2    0

Its true most Yem holders are throwing or using out their presous Yem amidst Covid19 crisis and some exchange on some basic needs that some may find it too hard to hold on your everyday money at hand .
And am very sure that the same thing that happened during the Earlier buyers of BTC had big doughts and many abused being patience and regrets was too late than to cry out .
added by 1001038554 1248 days ago 4    0

Yes , i think some of them are doing it ! They seems not giving importance to their YEM , especially during those past months ... those who are called YEM Dumpers .
added by 1000001688 1248 days ago 5    0


It seems some Yem Holders are throwing their precious Yem away in their bid for some items on Looking at how much Yem these people are offering for some items on, they seem not to value their Yem since their offered Yem value outrageously out way the USD value of the items they offered for.
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