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such as the cigarette falling into the magician’s lap. Rather, you see something that isn’t actually happening.
added by Anonymous 915 days ago 1    0

such as the cigarette falling into the magician’s lap. Rather, you see something that isn’t actually happening.
added by Anonymous 916 days ago 1    0

To what I have come to understand I think magic and witchcraft is one and the same, They both use same trick cheating people I wonder why some people find it to be interesting otherwise to me it's all witchcraft.
added by Anonymous 927 days ago 1    0

They are and mysteries because mostly even those who perform them fail to explain what they do or how they do what they do hnce it's real
added by Anonymous 928 days ago 1    0

Magic tricks often play on viewers' expectations. some think magic is not real but to me magic is 100% real except that am unable to do some magic. But according to how I have been seeing magic tricks, they are totally real.
added by Anonymous 1041 days ago 0    0

I also think the same way just that we aren't used to them that's why we wonder alot
I think that way
added by 1001108090 1554 days ago 3    0

But attentional misdirection cannot explain the knife-through-arm trick, because here you don
added by Anonymous 1564 days ago 3    0

The magic is real, and this is by one believkng in him or herself, once you do or say something with faith, it eventually happens because its not what is realkybut wht you believe in and whatever you believe in will actually happen. So l believe l am pretty.
added by 1000965722 1564 days ago 3    0

I Am Pretty Sure That Magic Tricks Are Real

It is well-known that magicians can use attentional misdirection to make something that happens right in front of the spectators’ eyes invisible. But attentional misdirection cannot explain the knife-through-arm trick, because here you don’t fail to see something that actually does happen, such as the cigarette falling into the magician’s lap. Rather, you see something that isn’t actually happening.

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I think that every magic is not just trick or hoodwink. Instead, I believe that magicians conjure evil spirits to lend them a helping hand to enable them perform their enterprise. If not so, how can one explain levitation. Suddenly, you see somebody standing before you, rise from the ground and ascend into the air without human support? It can only be with the help of invisible demons.
added by 1000851268 1416 days ago 0    0

I don't think magic is real cause
1: some magicians use tricks which can also be learnt by a normal person
2: some magic is faked jxt so that magicians earn money from it
added by Anonymous 1554 days ago 1    0