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I believe no one still wants to work with their hands everyone wants a smart job that earns and doesn't need much labour
added by Ntakirutimana Nusaiba 1242 days ago 3    0

I wish with all my heart that Christmas would be the beginning of a new birth that would rejoice in the hearts of those who are hungry to meet their needs on this occasion that reminds us of the first coming of Christ for the salvation of mankind.
added by Anonymous 1245 days ago 5    0

Will the sum total of Twnkle Sub Coins be reflected as Rainbow Currency at MultiWallet?

I understand that after 9 years in the making, Pernum MultiWallet looks simplified and will be operational soon. The Safezone founders and members have long awaited to taste some of the fruits that was planted. Since, Rainbow Currency is currently the most powerful, stable, safest and reliable digital currency in the world using blockchain technology and UAC will scale endlessly and accumulate unlimited mountains of wealth, can the sum total of the Twnkle sub coins be reflected as total USD at the MultiWallet which can be used to make online payments by the upcoming virtual Visa/MasterCard debit cards so that everyone can start quenching their thirst. Happy birthday, Have a blessed day and God bless everyone.

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