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Feedback is key to improving performance. And yet when feedback sessions are poorly delivered, they harm employee engagement and productivity levels. A seminal meta-analysis suggested that although almost 70% of feedback recipients will perform above average, 30% of feedback interventions actually hurt performance.

So, what are the key indicators of harmful feedback? Here are five critical signs that you are doing it wrong:

You are not increasing their self-awareness. The goal of giving feedback is not just to get Tim to turn his work in on time, or Sally to stop being so defensive. It is increasing employees’ self-awareness, so they genuinely understand how they come across to others and how their actions affect other people.
added by Anonymous 1239 days ago 0    0

Human beings are affected by the feedbacks received from those around,good or bad.

If we don't stop handling over the keys to other people's opinions, which bring stability to our personal perspectives of ourselves, success will be far to reach.
It is better to go with the force of the attacking blow and use its energy to benefit yourself.
Motivation and productivity are sometimes dictated by the feedback of people around us.

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